You are eligible to obtain a Wheeler Library card without charge if you reside in or own property in North Stonington, or if you work in North Stonington.
Connecticut residents from outside North Stonington are entitled to borrowing privileges if they have a public library card from the their hometown. Please bring identification and a current, valid hometown library card to register. A current CT driver’s license or CT Photo ID with a North Stonington residential address is acceptable identification. New North Stonington residents who have not yet updated their driver’s license information may provide current photo identification and proof of current residential address. A post office box is not sufficient address. Additional suggested forms for proof of current address include:Telephone Bill; Cable Bill; Electric Bill; Credit Card Bill; Automobile registration or Automobile insurance card.
Work in North Stonington but live out of state?
Please bring photo identification with proof of residential address and proof of current employment in North Stonington. Your library card will allow you to borrow physical items from Wheeler Library. Digital collections and access to the collections of other public libraries in the state is limited to CT residents. Neighboring states have similar resources available.
Cards expire every three years. Please bring your card in for renewal and provide any changes to your name, address, phone numbers, and email address.